sur St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. (isin : CA85235Q1000)

EVSX Begins Installation of Advanced Battery Processing Line

St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. announces that EVSX Corp, its subsidiary, has started installing a state-of-the-art battery recycling line in Thorold, Ontario. This automated line efficiently recovers critical battery components and achieves a recycling efficiency rate of over 93%.

The line processes various battery types, including alkaline and electric vehicle batteries, with an annual capacity of 10,000 tons. It can handle fluctuating volumes and quick restarts, ensuring adaptability to diverse battery processing needs.

EVSX holds an Environmental Compliance Approval permit and has a battery supply processing agreement with Call2Recycle. St-Georges has secured financing for the installation and operations, with changes to their financing approach and management structure also announced.

R. P.

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