sur EVCS

EVCS and Clean & Prosperous Institute Secure $25 Million for EV Infrastructure Expansion in Washington

EVCS, a prominent electric vehicle fast-charging network on the West Coast, and Clean & Prosperous Institute have received a $25 million grant from Washington's Department of Commerce. This funding, part of the Climate Commitment Act, aims to establish 43 new EV charging sites across Washington state.

These installations will feature DC Fast chargers at locations like malls and libraries, with many offering over 150kW power. This expansion supports the state’s clean energy targets, particularly its goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050.

The initiative prioritizes installations in underserved communities and tribal lands. Jennifer Grove of the Washington State Department of Commerce emphasized the collaboration's role in making electric vehicles more accessible, alongside programs like the EV Instant Rebate.

R. P.

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