sur Relief Therapeutics Holding SA (isin : CH1251125998)
European Patent Office Grants Relief Therapeutics Patent for RLF-TD011
Relief Therapeutics Holding SA announced that the European Patent Office has decided to grant a patent for RLF-TD011. This patent is crucial for protecting RLF-TD011, used in the treatment of wounds caused by epidermolysis bullosa (EB), across key European regions. The patent, set to be issued on February 26, 2025, will remain valid until 2040. Applications for corresponding patents are under review in other markets, including the United States and China.
RLF-TD011, which has orphan drug designation from the U.S. FDA, is part of Relief's strategic development plan. The company aims for further designations to secure market exclusivity. In recent trials, RLF-TD011 demonstrated positive outcomes for EB treatment. Relief is currently preparing a pre-IND meeting package for submission to the FDA to outline its future clinical and regulatory path.
R. E.
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