sur EUROFINS SCIENTIFIC SE (isin : FR0014000MR3)

Eurofins EAG Laboratories Expands Battery Testing Capabilities

Eurofins EAG Laboratories, renowned for its material testing services, is enhancing its capacity in battery testing with significant expansions in California and New York. In Sunnyvale, CA, a new 6,600 square-foot laboratory has been established specifically for battery materials testing. Similarly, the Syracuse, New York laboratory has broadened its facilities by adding an extra 6,500 square feet of laboratory space.

The expansions aim to support the entire battery life cycle, handling batteries of various sizes from small coin cells to large EV battery packs. With over 150 material testing techniques, Eurofins EAG Laboratories stands as the sole independent laboratory offering comprehensive 'turnkey' testing in the U.S. The additions include specialized equipment and services, such as a dedicated dry room, argon-filled gloveboxes, and advanced gas analysis tools to enhance battery testing precision and safety.

These developments are expected to boost innovation and improve the quality and reliability of batteries, reducing time to market. The Eurofins network's strong experience in the field contributes significantly to their clients’ advancements in battery technology, key to evolving transportation and energy storage solutions.

R. E.

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