EUROBIO SCIENTIFIC: Agreement for a Voluntary Tender Offer

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action EUROBIO-SCIENTIFIC (EPA:ALERS).

Eurobio Scientific has signed an agreement with a consortium led by its team of entrepreneurs, IK Partners, and NextStage AM to launch a voluntary tender offer. The offer price is set at €25.30 per share, representing a 67.5% premium over the 60-day volume-weighted average share price and a 39% premium over the last closing price.

The Board of Directors unanimously approved the transaction's principle, pending a detailed review by an independent expert and consultations with the Company's social and economic committee. The offer aims to provide significant, immediate liquidity to shareholders and supports Eurobio Scientific's growth plans.

The transaction will be reviewed by Ledouble SAS, the appointed independent expert, and is expected to be filed with the French financial markets authority by September. The offer is subject to approval by merger and foreign investment control authorities in France and Italy.

R. H.

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