sur Diok RealEstate AG (isin : DE000A2NBY22)

ESPG AG Gains Approval for Restructuring Plan

ESPG AG announced that all voting groups approved its restructuring plan according to the German Corporate Stabilisation and Restructuring Act (StaRUG). This approval came during the company's meeting on December 4, 2024. The local restructuring court in Cologne is yet to confirm the plan, with a decision expected next week.

The restructuring includes a complete reduction of the share capital to zero. Subsequently, the share capital will be increased to EUR 50,000, allocated between new shareholders ESPG Recap Partners SCSp (85%) and ESPG BondCo S.à r.l. (15%).

Additionally, the term of the bond issued by ESPG AG, assumed by BondCo, will extend until 1 October 2029. The Executive Board anticipates legal confirmation of the plan before year-end.

R. P.

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