sur Espace Real Estate AG (isin : CH0002557400)

Espace Real Estate AG announces excellent results for the 2023 financial year

Espace Real Estate AG has published a positive report for the year 2023, with rental income up 6.3% to 37.9 million francs. Operating profit also increased by 6.5% to 19.4 million francs. A drop in the vacancy rate to 3.6% was observed, reflecting efficient management of the real estate portfolio. Furthermore, despite devaluations linked to interest rates, the value of the real estate portfolio remained stable.

The company has made significant progress in achieving its environmental, social and governance (ESG) objectives, notably with SNBS “Gold” certification for the renovation project in Zuchwil. Faced with these results, Espace proposes to increase the dividend to 6.00 francs per share at the general meeting of April 25, 2024.

The financial solidity of Espace is underlined by a capital increase of 36.6 million francs and a high equity ratio of 47.0%. The stock price saw an increase of 2.9% in 2023, with a total return of 6.3% for the year. The company is optimistic about its performance for 2024, relying on a robust business model and a strategy oriented towards cash flow stability and sustainability.

R. P.

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