sur EnviTec Biogas AG (isin : DE000A0MVLS8)

EnviTec Biogas Becomes Exclusive Technological Partner of Regazz BV

EnviTec Biogas AG, a company specialized in biogas, has formalized its partnership with Regazz BV, focused on the development of sustainable biogas solutions. As the exclusive technological partner, EnviTec will provide its expertise in biogas and gas purification plants. This collaboration aims to accelerate the deployment of sustainable energy solutions in Europe.

Based in the Netherlands, Regazz BV sees this partnership as an opportunity to expand its impact in the agricultural sector by transforming farmers into producers of energy and organic fertilizers. The Eastern European market is the primary target of this alliance, highlighting the commitment of both companies to contribute to decarbonizing the food chain and addressing the climate crisis.

EnviTec Biogas AG, operating 89 proprietary plants, is one of the largest biogas producers in Germany. The company generated revenue of 382.8 million euros in 2022, confirming its position as a leader in the international biogas market. This partnership between EnviTec and Regazz BV represents a significant step for the development of alternative and sustainable energy solutions.

R. E.

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