sur EnviTec Biogas AG (isin : DE000A0MVLS8)
EnviTec Biogas Acquires Uniper's LIQVIS
EnviTec Biogas AG has announced the acquisition of LIQVIS, a former subsidiary of Uniper. This acquisition will enable LIQVIS to operate under the EnviTec Biogas Group as "LIQVIS powered by EnviTec Biogas." Founded in 2015, LIQVIS manages 18 LNG filling stations across Germany and France, crucial for heavy truck traffic.
The acquisition aligns with EnviTec’s strategic growth, as stated by CEO Olaf von Lehmden. The company plans to use LIQVIS' infrastructure to distribute bio-LNG from its BioEnergie Park Güstrow, reducing carbon emissions compared to fossil LNG. Jörg Fischer, CFO, sees LIQVIS fitting well with EnviTec's biomethane production capacities.
Uniper expresses satisfaction with EnviTec as a partner to further climate neutrality ambitions in heavy-duty transport, as noted by Sebastian Gröblinghoff, VP of Green Fuels at Uniper.
R. P.
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