Entech signs a contract with the Piriou group for carbon-free power supply for ships at dock

Entech, a specialist in renewable energies, signs a contract with the Piriou group to supply a carbon-free dockside power container. This contract marks Entech’s entry into the port decarbonization market.

Entech will provide a 200 KW direct current solution, avoiding the use of fossil fuels for ships under construction or maintenance. Delivery is scheduled for late summer 2024.

Vincent Faujour, president of Piriou, underlines the importance of this collaboration to reduce the environmental footprint of the company's operations. Christopher Franquet, president of Entech, affirms the importance of this contract to expand the company's activities to new decarbonized markets.

The IMO and EU decarbonization targets reinforce the relevance of this initiative, aiming for a significant reduction in GHG emissions by 2050.

R. P.

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