sur S&O Beteiligungen AG, Zukünftig Enapter AG (isin : DE000A255G02)

Enapter Group Awarded 1.3 Million Euros in Research Funding by Italian Ministry of Economy

Enapter AG, a prominent player in the energy technology sector, has been granted a significant research funding of approximately 1.3 million euros by the Italian Ministry for Enterprise and Made in Italy (MIMIT). This funding is allocated for the "AEM Technology Next Generation" project, which is aimed at advancing the next generation of Enapters AEM stacks for multi-megawatt scale products.

This financial support emphasizes the continued development of Enapter’s AEM multicore technology, particularly highlighting its application in the AEM Nexus, a modular electrolyzer. The project, set to run for 34 months, will focus on upgrading the stacks and the patented membrane technology involved, moving towards standardized mass production. This advancement is expected not only to enhance efficiency but also to reduce the costs associated with green hydrogen production.

The backing from the Italian Ministry underlines the importance of renewable energy technologies in achieving environmental goals. By further developing its AEM multicore technology, Enapter aims to revolutionize the production of green hydrogen, making it more efficient and cost-effective, thus pushing forward the global energy transition away from fossil fuels.

R. E.

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