sur Gleason & Sons LLC (isin : CA2924541055)
Empress Royalty Corp. Provides Update on Tahuehueto Silver Stream
Empress Royalty Corp. has offered an update on the Tahuehueto mine, owned by Luca Mining Corp., where it holds a 100% silver stream. According to Luca, commissioning of the mine is nearing completion with steady throughput at 1,000 tons per day. In January, over 24,700 tonnes of ore were processed, despite a planned shutdown for testing and adjustments.
The mine is preparing to transition to commercial production, with necessary parts and commodity supply redundancy being finalized. A new warehouse is under construction on-site to support long-term operations.
CEO Alexandra Woodyer Sherron expressed confidence in the mine's future, highlighting the progress as a pivotal moment for Empress's financial growth, marking significant milestones achieved by the Luca team.
R. P.
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