sur Infinity Bank Santa Ana California (NASDAQ:INFT)

Empower Federal Credit Union Enhances Efficiency with The Lab Consulting

Empower Federal Credit Union, based in Syracuse, NY, has partnered with The Lab Consulting from Houston to optimize operations. The initiative focuses on improving efficiency and scalability for its 280,000 members and 600 employees. By leveraging process mapping and automation, Empower FCU identified numerous process improvements and valuable automation cases.

The extensive project involved the mapping of thousands of work activities, identifying over 100 robotic process automation (RPA) use cases. More than 150 industry best practices concerning people, processes, and technology were also pinpointed. Key business processes such as loan origination and card operations were thoroughly scrutinized.

Implementation is occurring in three waves, with the first already complete. Select RPA applications include Account Warning Flag Removal and Delinquent Loan Charge Offs. The improvements aim to reduce manual tasks, enhancing both member and employee experiences.

R. P.

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