sur Emmi Management AG (isin : CH0012829898)
Emmi Records Strong Organic Growth and Expands in Key Markets
Emmi Group announced a 2.4% rise in organic growth for 2024, surpassing its target of 1-2%. This growth was driven by strategic market positioning and innovative products. The company achieved a total sales increase of 2.5% to CHF 4,348.8 million, despite adverse currency effects.
All divisions contributed to growth, notably in Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and the USA, and in strategic niches such as ready-to-drink coffee and premium desserts. The acquisition of companies like the Mademoiselle Desserts Group strengthened Emmi's market presence.
The Board of Directors has nominated Rebekka Iten and Christian Troxler to replace outgoing members. Emmi remains optimistic about maintaining its financial targets, including EBIT and net profit margin, for 2024.
R. E.
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