sur ELMOS Semiconductor AG (isin : DE0005677108)
Elmos Semiconductor SE Welcomes New Apprentices and Dual Students
Elmos Semiconductor SE, a leading manufacturer of automotive mixed-signal semiconductors, announced the addition of 10 new apprentices and four dual students to its team in Dortmund. This brings the total number of apprentices and dual students at Elmos to 43.
Elmos offers a diverse range of apprenticeship programs and dual study opportunities, encompassing fields such as IT, electronics, physics, and business administration. The company emphasizes high-quality training and has received multiple awards from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for its apprenticeship programs.
One notable feature at Elmos is the “Inner Engineering” program, designed to help apprentices and dual students develop their skills and personalities. The program includes team-building events to foster teamwork and collaboration.
CEO Dr. Arne Schneider expressed pride in the new recruits, highlighting the importance of these programs in preparing participants for future careers in the high-tech industry.
R. P.
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