sur ELMOS Semiconductor AG (isin : DE0005677108)

Elmos Semiconductor Achieves Milestone with 1 Billion LED Controller ICs Delivered

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ELMOS Semiconductor AG (EBR:ELG).

Elmos Semiconductor SE has delivered a significant milestone, reaching a total of 1 billion LED controller ICs produced for automotive use. This achievement highlights Elmos's dedication to advancing automotive lighting solutions since initiating LED controller production.

Over the past decade, Elmos expanded its portfolio to approximately 30 LED products, establishing itself as a leader in automotive LED controller ICs for both static and dynamic lighting. The company's solutions are integrated into various vehicle brands worldwide, meeting modern automotive demands for energy-efficient and adaptable lighting technologies.

Dr. Jan Dienstuhl, Elmos CSO, credits their success to strong customer collaborations and continuous innovation. Elmos remains committed to developing its semiconductor solutions to enhance vehicle lighting applications globally.

R. P.

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