sur ELMOS Semiconductor AG (isin : DE0005677108)

Elmos and ID Quantique Collaborate on Quantum Random Number Generator

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ELMOS Semiconductor AG (EBR:ELG).

Elmos Semiconductor SE and ID Quantique have initiated a strategic partnership to create the world's smallest Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) solution. This collaboration comes amid growing cybersecurity challenges spurred by advances in AI and quantum computing. Their new QRNG technology uses in-chip photoemission for superior cryptographic security, making it resistant to various cyber threats.

The joint efforts blend Elmos' semiconductor expertise with ID Quantique's experience in quantum technologies. Together, they aim to deliver a 2 mm x 2 mm QRNG module, the smallest of its kind globally. The solution promises cost-effectiveness, ultra-low power consumption, and a short start-up time, providing significant contributions to secure digital infrastructures for automotive, communication, and IoT industries.

The venture is supported by European national and federal funding, showcasing a commitment to advancing technological innovation in cybersecurity. The QRNG module will be available as a stand-alone IC or through Intellectual Property licensing, broadening its application across multiple industries.

R. H.

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