Elior Reports Increased Revenue and Improved Profitability for 2023-2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ELIOR (EPA:ELIOR).

Elior Group has reported a significant increase in revenue for the fiscal year 2023-2024, reaching €6,053 million, up from €5,223 million the previous year. This 15.9% growth includes a 5.1% organic increase, with notable expansion in the Multiservices segment, which saw a 56.9% rise in revenue. Contract Catering also grew by 5.5%.

The adjusted EBITA rose to €167 million, significantly improving from €59 million, with the EBITA margin increasing from 1.1% to 2.8%. Despite this, the company reported a net loss of €41 million, albeit an improvement over the previous year's €93 million loss, leading to a higher adjusted net profit of €9 million.

Operationally, Elior continued to deleverage, reducing net debt to €1,269 million from €1,393 million. This resulted in a decreased net debt to adjusted EBITDA ratio of 3.8 from 5.4. The company recorded an operating free cash flow of €233 million, further enhancing financial stability.

R. E.

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