Elexo wins second subsequent DIRISI contract

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action LOGIC INSTRUMENT (EPA:ALLOG).

Igny - February 19, 2025 - Logic Instrument, a French specialist in rugged mobile solutions, announces the victory of its subsidiary Elexo in the second subsequent market of the DIRISI MASTOC framework contract. This contract, notified on February 17, 2025, concerns the acquisition of optimized mobile technical solutions for the Ministry of the Armed Forces.

DIRISI, a key operator of the ministry, centralizes software and hardware acquisitions to strengthen critical infrastructures. By selecting Elexo, the ministry is banking on its ability to respond precisely and quickly to defense technology needs.

Elexo, by consolidating its position, becomes a benchmark player in defense technologies, thus strengthening Logic Instrument's place on the market.

R. E.

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