ELECOM's Commitment to Sustainability and the Award-Winning NESTOUT Brand
ELECOM, a leader in personal computer peripherals and eco-friendly technology, announces its latest sustainability initiatives, featuring the NESTOUT product series. These advancements are spearheaded by Koichi Iwami, Chairman of Sustainability Committee.
The NESTOUT series is central to ELECOM's sustainability efforts. These products capture, store, and use energy efficiently. NESTOUT solar panels harness solar power, while newly launched 5000mAh power banks store this energy. NESTOUT light accessories provide sustainable lighting solutions.
ELECOM strives for a decarbonized society by aligning with the United Nations Global Compact and TCFD recommendations. Efforts include reducing CO2 emissions, waste management, and promoting biodiversity.
Beyond environmental goals, ELECOM supports human rights, diversity, and inclusion. Initiatives such as tree planting and sports sponsorships reflect its community engagement.
ELECOM aims for long-term growth, integrating sustainability into operations. The NESTOUT series symbolizes a significant step towards providing innovative, eco-friendly energy solutions.
R. E.
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