sur Tradable Bits

El Mister and Tradable Bits Join Forces to Analyze Latin American Sports Fans

El Míster, a key research consultancy in Latin America, and Tradable Bits, a leader in fan technology, have announced a partnership aimed at understanding regional sports fans through data collection and analysis. The collaboration will produce reports focusing on fan behaviors and engagements, specifically targeting the popular sports of football and baseball.

Tradable Bits will utilize its data intelligence platform to create a program with El Míster, aiming to enhance fan satisfaction in sports venues. This initiative will include publishing co-authored reports and hosting digital and in-person events.

El Míster’s Ivan Pérez noted the partnership as a significant breakthrough for understanding sports fans' motivations. Tradable Bits' Greg Bobolo highlighted the collaboration's potential to innovate the fan engagement approach in Latin America.

R. E.

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