Eiffage Énergie Systèmes and Entech launch a joint venture for energy storage projects

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes and Entech announce the creation of a joint venture focused on battery energy storage, targeting a target market in France of more than 1 billion euros. This new entity will combine Eiffage's skills in electrical, industrial and energy engineering with Entech's expertise in renewable energy management and storage.

The project concerns the design and integration of electricity storage systems, as well as the construction and maintenance of substations for connection to the high voltage network. The partnership is already positioned on several large-scale projects. The joint venture aims to contribute to the development of a carbon-free energy mix in France, thus supporting the country's energy transition.

Majority control of the joint venture will be held by Eiffage Énergie Systèmes at 60%, while Entech will hold the remaining 40%. Its official creation is planned in the next two to three months, following approval from the relevant authorities.

R. E.

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