sur Edison Investment Research Limited (LON:KEFI)

Edison Investment Research Initiates Coverage on Good Life Plus with Optimism

Edison Investment Research has announced the launch of its analysis on Good Life Plus (GL+), an early-stage UK company specializing in subscription-based sweepstakes. Founded in 2021, GL+ attracts members with daily draws offering high-value prizes, discounts and exclusive offers at restaurants and cinemas across the UK.

At this stage, GL+ presents limited financial data. Edison therefore bases its forecasts on the internal expectations of the management team to predict future EBITDA margins and company valuation. The analysis considers risks associated with executing GL+'s expansion plans and evaluates growth potential using recent peer acquisition multiples.

The report aims to provide an overview of GL+'s growth strategy and market opportunity, based exclusively on company disclosures and management expectations. Edison Investment Research provides a detailed perspective on GL+'s prospects while highlighting the key variables influencing the company's profitability.

R. H.

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