sur Ed Gumbrecht, LLC

Ed Gumbrecht Releases Third Album "Any Given Day" to Strong Acclaim

The bright summer music season begins with the release of Ed Gumbrecht's highly anticipated third studio album, 'Any Given Day'. Available today on all major streaming platforms, the record marks a significant milestone in Ed's musical journey, showcasing his evolution as an artist and solidifying his place in the music industry.

'Any Given Day' features a diverse array of tracks that blend clever lyrics with engaging melodies in an elevated singer-songwriter style. The album explores themes of everyday life, intimacy, and the beauty found in mundane moments. With its rich soundscapes and poignant storytelling, it is set to resonate deeply with listeners worldwide.

Ed Gumbrecht's music has garnered two million streams globally, and 'Any Given Day' is expected to continue this trend. The album includes standout tracks such as 'Cup of Joe,' 'Waking Song,' and 'Still Life'. Produced by Eric Michael Lichter at Dirt Floor Studios in Connecticut, the album swings from acoustic rock to country and western, showcasing Ed's versatility.

Fans can listen to 'Any Given Day' on their preferred streaming platform starting June 7th. For updates on Ed's latest news and live performances, visit

R. E.

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