Econocom launches an ambitious recruitment campaign for its growth
The company Econocom, recognized for its commitment to responsible digital technology and the circular economy, announced the launch of a vast recruitment campaign. This initiative is an integral part of its strategic plan 'One Econocom 2024-2028' and aims to incorporate 100 sales agents within the next three years to strengthen its presence in Europe.
According to Jean-Louis Bouchard, President and founder of Econocom, this approach will allow the group to accelerate its commercial expansion and solidify the relationship of trust and proximity with its customers. The group has set itself the objective of increasing its turnover from 2.8 to 4 billion euros within five years.
Hélène Lory-Delambre, Director of the sales team strengthening program, underlines the importance of attracting experienced salespeople who would be fully committed to Econocom's entrepreneurial project. The plan also includes an extensive promotional campaign across several media in Europe to double the group's independent sales force.
R. H.
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