Econocom Group General Meeting Announced for March 31, 2025

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ECONOCOM GROUP (EBR:ECONB).

The Econocom group has announced that it will hold its Ordinary General Meeting on March 31, 2025. At this meeting, the accounts for the financial year ending December 31, 2024 will be examined. The renewal of Robert Bouchard's term as director for four years is proposed. In addition, the terms of Eric Boustouller and Véronique di Benedetto will end.

The Extraordinary General Meeting will propose a reimbursement of the issue premium, representing 0.10 euros per share. This reimbursement is scheduled two months after the official publication of the decision. Additional information will be communicated at a later date.

Finally, it is suggested to renew the authorized capital and to amend the statutes. The relevant documents are available on the Econocom Group website.

R. P.

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