ECONOCOM GROUP announces moderate growth in the first quarter of 2024

ECONOCOM GROUP recorded a growth of 2.6% in its turnover in the first quarter of 2024, reaching 634 million euros. This increase is mainly supported by the Technology Management & Financing (TMF) activity which saw an increase of 10.6%, or 207 million euros. The TMF division benefits from the growing demand for flexible leasing solutions for digital assets.

On the other hand, the Products & Solutions (P&S) activity saw its turnover fall by 2.5% to 305 million euros, corresponding to a decline in line with the European IT distribution market. Despite this, the first quarter of 2024 marks a rebound compared to the end of the previous year.

The Services activity also shows signs of recovery, with growth of 3.2% to reach 122 million euros, driven in particular by the Spanish and French market. The group confirms its annual turnover growth objective of between 3% and 5% for 2024.

R. E.

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