Écomiam: 2023/24 financial results and outlook

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ECOMIAM (EPA:ALECO).

écomiam, a specialist distributor of frozen products, reports a 3.3% drop in turnover for 2023/24. This decline is due to the rationalisation of its network, with strategic store closures and openings. However, the gross commercial margin reached 38.8% for the year, with an increase to 40.1% in the second half.

The network's operating result remains positive at €2.9 million, despite a slight decrease compared to the previous year. Consolidated net income improved by €2.1 million to reach -€3.2 million. These results are supported by a reduction in marketing expenses and an optimized operating environment.

In order to support its development, écomiam has strengthened its financial situation with a capital increase, bringing its available cash to €3.9 million.

In the first quarter of 2024/25, turnover is stable despite a reduced network. The group continues to target a network of 100 stores and a turnover of €100 million by 2028.

R. H.

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