sur EasyJet (isin : GB00B7KR2P84)
EasyJet Announces Recent PDMR Shareholdings Under Its Share Incentive Plan
easyJet PLC has made a recent announcement regarding the shareholdings of its Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility (PDMR) acquired through its Share Incentive Plan. On 25 March 2024, the airline was notified by the Plan’s Trustee, Equiniti Share Plan Trustees Limited, that on 22 March, shares were purchased on behalf of various PDMR. This move comes as a part of the dividend share acquisition, correlating with the company’s decision to reinvest the ordinary dividend from the year ended 30 September 2023.
Among the PDMRs included in the purchase were Stuart Birrell, Kenton Jarvis, David Morgan, and Garry Wilson, each receiving shares at a price of £5.51. This action aligns with shareholder decisions from the company's AGM in February 2024. easyJet has made this public in accordance with Market Abuse Regulation requirements, showcasing transparency in its financial activities and PDMR investments.
R. E.
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