sur Trust Machines

Easing Access to Web3: Tucows, Hiro, and Trust Machines Launch Orange Domains

Trust Machines, in partnership with Tucows and Hiro Systems, has announced the launch of a new platform, Orange Domains, aimed at integrating the traditional internet with Web3 technology. Orange Domains intends to enhance the Bitcoin Name System (BNS) functionality by introducing decentralized apps and developing new top-level domain (TLD) services. This initiative is expected to simplify the process of accessing Web3 digital identities by connecting the Domain Names System (DNS) directly with BNS, all powered by Bitcoin layers.

The collaboration combines Tucows' expertise in DNS and web registry, Hiro's specialization in Bitcoin smart contracts and decentralized applications, and Trust Machines' profound understanding of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Orange Domains seeks to enable seamless activities such as website building, emailing, and securing various digital assets through a single-domain solution on the blockchain. This move marks a significant effort to bridge the gap between the traditional internet experience and the evolving Web3 space.

Dave Woroch of Tucows and Muneeb Ali of Trust Machines expressed optimism about setting a new industry standard where domain names, identity, and Web3 converge. Additionally, the introduction of .btc Web3 identities and the potential expansion of Bitcoin applications emphasize the growing movement towards enhancing blockchain's utility. Don Ruiz, General Manager for Orange Domains, highlights the platform's role in clarifying the narrative around Web3 digital identity services and its potential to further expand the Bitcoin and Web3 ecosystem.

R. E.

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