sur Jade Leader Corp. (isin : CA46989B1031)
Early Warning Report on Jade Leader Corp Shares
Calgary-based Jade Leader Corp. announced via ACCESS Newswire that Normand Goupil acquired a significant number of its common shares. On February 4, 2025, Mr. Goupil purchased 2,500,000 common shares through a private placement. This acquisition represents 3.3% of the company’s issued and outstanding shares, at a price of $0.04 per share, totaling $100,000.
Following the transaction, Mr. Goupil controls 10,044,000 common shares, equivalent to 13.4% of Jade Leader's outstanding shares. Furthermore, his holdings include 1,500,000 warrants. If all warrants are exercised, his stake would stand at 15.1% on a partially diluted basis, indicating a 2.3% increase in ownership.
This acquisition was made for investment purposes, with the possibility of further adjustments based on market conditions. Details of the early warning report can be accessed on the SEDAR website.
R. H.
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