Dutreil Pact: New commitments within the CRIT Group

Groupe Crit announces the signing of a new Dutreil Pact by seven shareholders of the Guedj family. Signed on December 29, 2024, this pact concerns the retention of shares to facilitate the transfer within the framework of article 787B of the General Tax Code.
This new commitment, for a period of two years, does not provide for automatic renewal. It covers 68.821% of the capital and 53.414% of the voting rights. Nathalie Jaoui, Karine Guedj and Yvonne Guedj are among the executive signatories. In addition, Fanny Guedj and the company S3G hold at least 5% of the capital and voting rights.
The previous pact, signed on May 10, 2023, remains in force, thus maintaining the continuity of the family transmission strategy within the group. The latter is a key player in the temporary work and airport assistance sector.
R. E.
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