sur HTL-STREFA, Inc., An MTD Company
Droplet Micron Receives Expanded FDA Approval and OTC Availability
HTL-STREFA announced that their product, Droplet Micron, has received expanded approval from the US Food & Drug Administration to include a wider range of uses for subcutaneous injection, including medications such as GLP-1s. Previously limited to insulin, this broader indication allows the product to cater to more patients requiring injectable medications.
In addition to the expanded indication, Droplet Micron will now be available over-the-counter (OTC) in the United States. This change removes the "Rx Only" designation, facilitating easier access for consumers through pharmacies and online platforms like Amazon, contingent upon state regulations. The product is expected to be available soon at various national retailers.
The 34G x 3.5mm pen needle, known for being the shortest and thinnest in the US, is designed to enhance patient comfort by reducing penetration force by up to 50%, which potentially makes injections less painful. The product is recognized for its high user satisfaction and reliability in providing safe and comfortable injections.
R. H.
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