DRONE VOLT strengthens its financial capacity to achieve positive EBITDA in 2025

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action DRONE VOLT (EPA:ALDRV).

DRONE VOLT, a specialist in professional civil drones and AI, announces two significant financial transactions. On January 15, 2025, the company launched a €2 million bond issue and a €2.7 million capital increase, marked by a 33.33% discount on the issue price of the new shares compared to the last closing price.

These initiatives aim to solidify the financial health of DRONE VOLT in order to facilitate the achievement of a positive EBITDA from 2025, after a year 2024 crowned by significant growth in turnover (+36%), boosted by the success of the DRONE VOLT FACTORY, SERVICES & ACADEMY activities (+117%).

An additional savings plan of between €400,000 and €700,000 has been put in place for this company listed on Euronext Growth, aiming to maintain growth without affecting turnover.

R. H.

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