DRONE VOLT shows exceptional growth in the first quarter of 2024
DRONE VOLT, specialist in professional civilian drones, announced a remarkable performance for the first quarter of 2024, with turnover which increased by 466% to reach 8.9 million euros. This growth is mainly the result of deliveries from a record order in 2023 and strong demand for the company's new drones.
The gross margin also tripled this year, thanks to the success of the DRONE VOLT EXPERT offer, a “drone as a service” service which has attracted many customers in the surveillance and inspection sectors. The total gross profit reached more than 1 million euros, an increase of 213% compared to the previous year.
The group thus confirms not only sustained growth in its revenues but also a consolidation of its profitability in 2024. New products, such as the LINEDRONE and DRONE VOLT KOBRA drones, are decisive in this performance, indicating solid prospects for the months to come. come.
R. P.
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