DRONE VOLT records strong activity in the 3rd quarter of 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action DRONE VOLT (EPA:ALDRV).

DRONE VOLT, manufacturer of professional civilian drones, has revealed a turnover of 7.3 million euros for the 3rd quarter of 2024. This figure marks an increase of 139% compared to the same period in 2023, thus continuing the upward trend started in the first half (+47%).

The DRONE VOLT FACTORY, SERVICES & ACADEMY division played a key role in this growth, with a 163% increase in its turnover. Marc Courcelle, Managing Director, confirms that the sale of 45 drones contributed to these results, supported by a significant order for HERCULES 20.

DRONE VOLT confirms its objectives for 2024, aiming for a positive EBITDA in 2025. High value-added activities remain at the heart of its strategy. In addition, several R&D-based contracts are being finalized, with sales expected for the HERCULES, LINEDRONE and HELIPLANE models.

R. E.

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