DRONE VOLT expands its presence in Türkiye with a new distribution agreement
The manufacturer of professional civilian drones DRONE VOLT has announced the signing of a distribution agreement in Turkey, marking a significant step in its expansion in the Turkish market. This agreement will allow the company to target new market segments thanks to the network and expertise of a local distributor specialized in training drone pilots and the application of these technologies in various sectors such as agriculture , energy, security and engineering.
The collaboration has already materialized through the sale and delivery of a HELIPLANE model by DRONE VOLT. This advance is part of the company's strategy to enrich its commercial network without the costs associated with creating a subsidiary or a local team. Marc Courcelle, Managing Director of DRONE VOLT, expressed optimism about the regional opportunities that this agreement is likely to generate, strengthening DRONE VOLT's presence in Turkey and neighboring countries.
R. H.
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