DRONE VOLT completes its capital increase of 2 million euros

On February 5, 2025, DRONE VOLT, an expert in civil drones and artificial intelligence, announced that it had completed a capital increase of €2 million. This operation resulted in the issuance of 6,627,600 new shares at a unit price of €0.30. The listing of the shares will begin on February 7, 2025.
The total demand amounted to 2,043,590 shares, including irreducible, reducible and free subscriptions. Thanks to the commitments of 11 investors, not initially subscribed, 4,584,010 additional shares were issued. The funds raised will be used to support growth and strengthen the company's financial structure.
The share capital will now be divided into 26,755,865 shares. DRONE VOLT expects a moderate impact on equity per share, from €0.9484 to €0.7722.
R. P.
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