sur DreamLarge

DreamLarge Acquires Sarasota Magazine, Bolstering Local Media Presence

DreamLarge, a B-Corp known for its focus on social impact and community engagement, has announced its acquisition of Sarasota Magazine. This move brings new leadership and local ownership to the esteemed lifestyle publication, signaling a new chapter of growth and innovation for both entities.

Sarasota Magazine, with a history of over four decades in the Sarasota region, is celebrated for its award-winning journalism and coverage of local events. Anand Pallegar, CEO of DreamLarge, expressed excitement about integrating Sarasota Magazine into their portfolio, emphasizing the synergy between the magazine’s mission and DreamLarge’s commitment to community values.

The magazine, previously under the wing of SagaCity Media, is set to maintain its editorial integrity and continue serving its readership with compelling storytelling, under DreamLarge’s stewardship. Cooper Levey-Baker, the magazine’s editor-in-chief, looks forward to leveraging DreamLarge’s resources to expand coverage and introduce innovative digital offerings.

Nicole Vogel, CEO of SagaCity Media, commented on the transaction positively, highlighting DreamLarge’s local engagement and the potential for the magazine to thrive under its guidance. The acquisition exemplifies DreamLarge’s dedication to enhancing community through media and storytelling.

R. E.

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