sur Autism Community Ventures PBC
Dr. Maureen Dunne to Deliver Keynote at the United Nations for World Autism Awareness Day
Autism Community Ventures ("ACV"), a public benefit corporation, has announced that Dr. Maureen Dunne will be the keynote speaker for the North American and Caribbean segment during the United Nations World Autism Awareness Day in 2024. The event is set to focus on the theme "Moving from Surviving to Thriving."
Dr. Dunne, who is the founder of Autism Community Ventures and the author of the national bestselling book "The Neurodiversity Edge," will address the global gathering on the stated theme. Her speech aims to shed light on the journey towards social, economic, and financial inclusion for neurodivergent or neurodistinct job seekers.
Interested attendees and those unable to make it to the event can watch Dr. Dunne’s keynote on the United Nations broadcast TV and its on-demand YouTube channel. The full details regarding the event are available on the United Nations website under World Autism Awareness Day.
R. E.
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