DMS Group unveils its innovations at the European Congress of Radiology 2025

Diagnostic Medical Systems (DMS Group) presents its latest innovations at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2025 in Vienna, from February 26 to March 1. The company highlights innovative solutions in medical imaging to meet the requirements of healthcare professionals. Among the innovations presented, the Stratos DR for bone densitometry integrates 3D-DXA technology, while the M1 mobile radiology device in ADAM version uses artificial intelligence to optimize image acquisition.
Other new products include the Platinum with ADAM version 1.10, a solution for surgical C-arms named ADAM C, and the Onyx, based on carbon nanotube technology, which is awaiting market validation. The event provides a strategic opportunity for DMS Group to strengthen its relationships with key partners such as Fujifilm Healthcare and Canon Medical Systems.
A symposium dedicated to mobility in radiology will present the M1X, an innovative mobile radiology unit, offering solutions to medical deserts through Professor Elin KJELLE. This high-power device is designed to be easily transported, allowing to meet the on-site imaging needs of patients.
R. E.
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