sur DistillerSR Inc.

DistillerSR Announces CuratorCR Collaboration for Enhanced Research Sharing

DistillerSR® Inc. has introduced a new collaboration feature in its CuratorCR™ module, aiming to increase the efficiency of research through the seamless sharing of literature repositories. As of April 2, 2024, research organizations have the capability to securely co-create and manage curated reference repositories in real-time, promoting collaboration across different departments and organizations. This feature is integrated into the DistillerSR™ platform, known for its AI-enabled literature review automation.

CuratorCR Collaboration allows for the easy sharing of searchable literature repositories, upholding copyright compliance and maintaining content integrity. The initiative seeks to reduce research duplication, enhance data consistency, and quicken the production of high-quality literature reviews. Peter O'Blenis, CEO of DistillerSR Inc., highlights the tool's potential to streamline the management of information assets which can significantly expedite the review process and reduce associated costs.

The platform caters to over 300 prestigious research organizations globally, including leading names in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, by offering a secure and automated solution for managing and analyzing literature review research. With CuratorCR's integration, researchers can access and reuse data, including metadata and full-text documents, facilitating a more efficient research process.

R. H.

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