sur Discovery Lithium Inc. (isin : CA8270891036)
Discovery Lithium Unveils 2024 Exploration Findings in James Bay Region
Discovery Lithium Inc., a Canadian exploration company, reported significant findings from its 2024 Fall exploration program in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region. Highlights include identifying lithium-cesium-tantalum (LCT) pegmatite geochemical signatures on the Bruce Lake and Cirrus East properties. On these sites, samples exhibited favorable K/Rb ratios and tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) values.
Additionally, the Mantle and Opus properties showed orogenic gold mineralization, with samples returning notable gold and zinc content. These results underscore the potential for further lithium mineralization and orogenic gold and base metal discoveries in the region.
The company's planned next steps involve further exploration to evaluate these promising findings, aiming to advance its mineral resource projects throughout North America.
R. P.
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