sur Digostics Limited

Digostics and AgaMatrix Announce Partnership for Home-Based Gestational Diabetes Screening in the UK

Digital clinical diagnostics provider Digostics Limited and diabetes technology company AgaMatrix Europe Limited have launched a commercial partnership to introduce Digostics' home-based oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) service, GTT@home, to the UK's National Health Service (NHS) for gestational diabetes (GDM) screening. This initiative makes GTT@home the first and only commercially available OGTT for home use, aimed at accelerating GDM screening among expectant mothers in the UK.

The collaboration facilitates exclusive distribution of GTT@home to the NHS by AgaMatrix, following reports of improved OGTT uptake thanks to home testing. GTT@home has been fully integrated into the NHS Supply Chain’s Laboratory Diagnostics, Point of Care Testing, and Pathology Managed Services framework, simplifying procurement for NHS hospitals and minimizing testing backlogs.

James Jackson, Digostics' CEO, emphasized the significance of making GDM screening more accessible to expectant mothers and acknowledged AgaMatrix's domain expertise and established NHS relationships as pivotal for GTT@home's UK rollout. The home testing solution aims to address common barriers associated with traditional clinic-based OGTT delivery, such as inconvenience for women and operational complexity for healthcare providers.

Furthermore, this partnership offers prospects for technical integration between Digostics' and AgaMatrix’ solutions, focusing on improving the overall process of GDM testing and post-diagnosis management. The inclusion of GTT@home in NHS Supply Chain's framework, along with its regulatory approval within the European Union, underscores the initiative's significant potential impact on gestational diabetes screening practices, not only in the UK but also on an international scale.

R. H.

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