sur Diamcor Mining Inc. (isin : CA2525312070)

Diamcor Mining Inc. Announces Accessible Online Meeting Materials

Diamcor Mining Inc. has announced the availability of its meeting materials for the upcoming annual general and special meeting on December 30, 2024. This decision comes in response to the ongoing Canada Post labor strike, affecting mail delivery. Shareholders can now access the notice of meeting, management information circular, and proxy form electronically via Diamcor's SEDAR+ profile and website.

The company encourages Non-Objecting Beneficial Owners and Registered Shareholders to review the materials online and vote shares electronically. They can also request email copies through Computershare, Diamcor's registrar, and transfer agent.

For Objecting Beneficial Shareholders, reaching out to brokers for voting materials is recommended. All votes must be submitted by December 24, 2024, ahead of the meeting.

R. H.

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