sur Diamcor Mining Inc. (isin : CA2525312070)

Diamcor Mining Announces CAD$1 Million Term Loan Financing

Diamcor Mining Inc., a Canadian diamond mining company, has unveiled plans for a term loan financing of up to CAD$1,000,000. The loan will be unsecured with an annual interest rate of 15%. For every CAD$100,000 advanced, 400,000 common shares will be issued to lenders. These loans, due for repayment within 12 months, exclude warrant issuance. Key management is expected to participate in this financing round.

Funds from this financing will boost processing capacities at Diamcor's Krone-Endora at Venetia Project in 2025. The financing supports ongoing work and expansion efforts. Diamcor is also negotiating larger non-dilutive funding arrangements, expected to be detailed soon. Regulatory approval from the TSX Venture Exchange is pending, and securities issued will be under a hold period of four months plus a day post-closing.

R. E.

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