sur Deutsche Konsum REIT-AG (isin : DE000A14KRD3)

Deutsche Konsum REIT-AG Reduces Leverage and Strengthens Equity

In its latest quarterly report, Deutsche Konsum REIT-AG announced a reduction in net loan-to-value (Net-LTV) to 54.7%, down from 57.2% in September 2024. This was achieved through strategic debt repayments and refinancing. The company's equity increased to EUR 340.4 million, with the period's surplus and bond conversions contributing to the rise.

Rental income saw a planned decline to EUR 17.7 million due to asset sales, while funds from operations (FFO) decreased to EUR 4.7 million, reflecting higher financing costs. The value of the company's property portfolio remained stable at EUR 886.6 million despite these changes.

The company is focusing on strengthening its balance sheet and optimizing its property portfolio. Discussions are underway with bondholders and lenders about upcoming maturities. A financial outlook for the rest of the year is pending and will be disclosed with the half-year report.

R. H.

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