sur Honey Badger Silver Inc. (isin : CA4383402001)
Departure of a director of Honey Badger Silver Inc.
Honey Badger Silver Inc. (TSXV:TUF) announced the resignation of W. Douglas (Doug) Eaton from its board of directors, effective immediately, to pursue other business interests. Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol, the company's CEO, expressed gratitude for Doug's guidance during his tenure. The company is in advanced discussions with several high-quality candidates to replace him.
Honey Badger Silver, a specialist silver company, is led by an experienced management team and supported by a competent technical team. Its projects are located in historically mining areas, including the Sunrise Lake project in the Northwest Territories and the Plata project located near Keno Hill, Yukon. Honey Badger also owns a significant acreage in the Nanisivik mine area in Nunavut, which produced over 20 Moz of silver between 1976 and 2002.
R. H.
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