sur DentalXChange

DentalXChange Launches PayerXChange to Enhance Payer-Provider Collaboration

DentalXChange has unveiled PayerXChange, a secure online platform designed to streamline administration and reduce expenses for dental insurance payers, providers, and patients.

PayerXChange aims to increase transparency and collaboration within dental provider networks. The platform offers dashboard reporting for payers, allowing better insight into provider usage. Providers can use self-service tools to check claim status, verify patient eligibility, and submit claims more efficiently. The platform also supports claims and attachment submission, payment detail receipt, and provider credentialing.

Paul Kaiser, CEO of DentalXChange, emphasized that PayerXChange aligns dental offices and insurance payers towards more transparent data sharing. This enhancement aids in effective and efficient business operations while reducing costs and serving patients better. Kaiser reaffirmed the company's mission to simplify the dental ecosystem, helping all stakeholders grow their businesses.

R. H.

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