sur Defence Therapeutics Inc. (isin : CA24463V1013)
Defence's AccuTOX Boosts Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Efficiency
Defence Therapeutics Inc., a Canadian biopharmaceutical company, announced that its Accum-002TM ("AccuTOX®") has dual functions: as a tumor-killing molecule and an immune booster. AccuTOX® synergizes with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors (ICI) and the immune system.
ICI treatments for solid tumors show promising results but have low response rates. For instance, only 20% of melanoma patients respond completely or partially. This low efficacy is due to cold tumor environments which hinder immune recognition and attack.
Efforts are underway to transform cold tumors into hot ones, increasing their vulnerability to ICI and immune system attacks. AccuTOX® helps by recruiting immune cells and enhancing tumor recognition, making it a strong candidate for combination treatments.
Defence Therapeutics’ studies indicate that AccuTOX® significantly increases the efficacy of various ICI, potentially expanding the patient population eligible for these treatments. The ICI market is projected to grow significantly, driven by the rising cancer prevalence.
R. H.
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